Byleth×Catherine Support Conversations
カトリーヌ: ……なんだかねえ。
Catherine: Hm. I wonder why.
Byleth: ……? Sorry?
カトリーヌ: 何でレア様は、アンタなんかを特別扱いするんだろうな?
Catherine: Why does Lady Rhea give you special treatment?
You're not particularly strong or good-looking. You seem exceedingly unremarkable.
Not that I doubt you were a skilled mercenary.
Shamir came from the same background. But she doesn't get nearly as much of Lady Rhea's attention.
Besides, it'd be one thing if you got brought on as a knight. But a professorship? Unprecedented.
Choice 1: そう言われても…… It is?
カトリーヌ: わからん。レア様のお考えが、アタシには、まったくもってわからんね。
Catherine: I just don't get it. I'm flummoxed as to why she holds you in such high esteem.
Choice 2: すまない…… Sorry.
カトリーヌ: あー、別に責めてるんじゃないよ。ただ、レア様のお考えが見えなくてさ。
Catherine: I'm not blaming you. I'm just perplexed.
カトリーヌ: やっぱりアレか?ジェラルトさんの子供だからか?
Catherine: Maybe it's because you're related to Jeralt.
カトリーヌ: セイロス騎士団の元団長にして、フォドラで随一の傭兵……だもんな。
Catherine: Maybe it's because you're related to Jeralt. He was the leader of the Knights of Seiros, and probably the finest mercenary in all Fódlan. By the time I joined, he was gone, so I don't know him too well. But he's strong, right?
カトリーヌ: セイロス騎士団の元団長にして、フォドラで随一の傭兵だった人だ。
Choice 1: そうなのかな Not as strong as people say.
Choice 2: よくわからない I don't know what you're talking about.
カトリーヌ: おいおい……アンタがわかってないだけじゃないのか?
Catherine: Oh, come on! There can't be a soul in Fódlan who hasn't heard tales of the Blade Breaker! Maybe that's it. Jeralt used his influence to help you. But Lady Rhea wouldn't give you favorable treatment because of that. No, definitely not... There must be something more to you. OK, that settles it. I'm going to watch from afar, figure out what Lady Rhea could possibly see in you. Whatever it is, maybe I can copy it, so that she'll take a shine to me as well. And if I discover that your intentions are malicious, I'll cut you down. With relish.
Byleth: ………………。(…)
B Support
カトリーヌ: ……はは、ちょっと脅かしてやるつもりが、弾かれちまったか!
Catherine: I was trying to catch you off-guard, but you managed to block it! Not too shabby, Professor!
Choice 1: 危ない That was dangerous.
Choice 2: 酷い That wasn't funny.
カトリーヌ: まあまあ。アンタが弾き飛ばした剣をよく見てみろよ。ほら、訓練用の木剣だ。
Catherine: Oh, come on. Look at the blade I threw. It's just a wooden training sword.
At worst, you could have gotten a bruise, or perhaps a splinter. Let's agree it was funny and move on.
Choice 1: 十分痛い It would have hurt enough.
カトリーヌ: 泣きごと言うなって。痛みには慣れてんだろ?
Catherine: Aw, poor thing! Aren't you used to getting hurt? You've been in your fair share of battles.
Choice 2: 死んだかも I could have died.
カトリーヌ: よっぽど当たりどころが悪くなきゃ、死にゃしないって。
Catherine: How? By choking on it? Don't be so dramatic.
カトリーヌ: それに、アンタなら避けられるってわかってたからな。
Catherine: Besides, I knew you'd dodge in time. I told you before that I was going to observe you. Since then, I've been watching you. I know what you're capable of.
Byleth: ずーっと……? Uh...
カトリーヌ: ああ。じーっくり観察させてもらったよ。気配を消してたから気づかなかったろ?
Catherine: I took steps to make myself invisible, so I could observe you without being detected. I hardly let you out of my sight.
After extensive research, I've concluded that you really are first-rate.
Your sword skills are impeccable; you're a gifted educator. You clearly love working with the students.
Someone with all of your exceptional qualities should not exist. But here you are! At first, I thought Jeralt was the reason for Lady Rhea's interest in you. But no. Lady Rhea knew exactly what she was doing when she singled you out. Unfortunately, I can't hope to emulate you, let alone wield the Sword of the Creator. So my plan of imitating you for Lady Rhea's attention has come to nothing.
Byleth: もう観察は終わり? So, you're going to stop watching me?
カトリーヌ: 何、ホッとした顔してんだよ。アンタの観察はこれからも続けるぞ。
Catherine: I didn't say that. When we rescue Lady Rhea, I'll provide her a full report of your activities. Hopefully then I'll be in her good graces. Oh, and don't think you can avoid being watched. I won't let you out of my sight!
Byeth: ………………。…
A Support
カトリーヌ: っりゃあああ!
Catherine: Hiiiiyah! I will not yield! Yah! It's been a while since I had such a close call. If not for you, Professor, I wouldn't have made it. I didn't expect to be ambushed on a simple scouting mission...
Choice 1: 怪我はない? Are you hurt?
カトリーヌ: ははは、任務のことより、アタシの体の心配をしてくれるのか?
Catherine: You should be asking about the mission, not about me.
Choice 2: 任務は失敗? Did you complete the mission?
カトリーヌ: いや、威力偵察のつもりだったからね。敵の戦力がわかりゃ任務は成功だよ。
Catherine: Yes. My objective was to gauge the enemy's strength. I'd say I was successful, hah!
カトリーヌ: ……あれ、先生。そういや、何でここにいるんだ?
Catherine: I have to ask, Professor... What brought you here?
Choice 1: 悪い予感がして見に来た I had a premonition.
Choice 2: 心配で迎えに来た I was worried about you.
カトリーヌ: ふうん……そういうとこだよな、アンタが仲間に慕われてんのはさ。
Catherine: Hm. So you came to protect me. I'm beginning to understand why your allies love you.
These are selfish times. One doesn't expect to encounter selflessness.
You're kind. In that respect, I'd say you're much like Lady Rhea.
Byleth: レアは優しかった? You think Lady Rhea is kind?
カトリーヌ: ああ、もちろん。レア様の優しさのおかげでアタシはここにいるんだから。
Catherine:Of course. It's thanks to her kindness that I'm here today. I was an outlaw in Faerghus. She took me in and let me live here.
Byleth: お尋ね者? You were an outlaw?
カトリーヌ: 先生には話したことなかったか?アタシは王国貴族カロン家の生まれでね。
Catherine: Didn't I tell you? I was born into House Charon, in Faerghus. They used to call me Thunderstrike Cassandra. I was implicated in a plot to kill the king. It was a totally false accusation, of course. I had to flee the Kingdom, and the archbishop took me in.
Byleth: なぜ修道院に? Why did you come to the monastery?
カトリーヌ: 昔はアタシも士官学校の生徒でさ。そん時の縁を頼ったっていうか……。
Catherine: I used to be a student at the academy, so I knew I'd be safe here. Lady Rhea saved me once when I was a student, you know.
カトリーヌ: 何があったのかよく覚えてないんだが、とにかく瀕死の大怪我を負っちまってさ。
Catherine: I don't really remember what happened... I was badly injured and near death.
カトリーヌ: 課題で魔物退治に出たはいいが、返り討ちにあって死にかけてさ。
カトリーヌ: そん時に、レア様がアタシのことを介抱してくれたんだ。
Catherine: Lady Rhea took care of me. She didn't mind getting dirty. She took my muddied, bloodied body into her arms... Since then, Lady Rhea has been my inspiration. I will always serve her, protect her... Love her. For some reason, when I think about Lady Rhea, your face comes to mind. You've become an important presence in my life.
Choice 1: 嬉しい I'm glad.
Choice 2: 光栄だ I'm honored.
カトリーヌ: おや、そう思ってくれるのか?なら、アタシもこの現状を受け入れるか。
Catherine: I wasn't expecting you to have a positive response. I'm not thrilled about it, personally... I am still going to keep my eye on you. Not so I can report to Lady Rhea though. Just because I want to.
S Support
カトリーヌ: 忙しいとこ呼び出して悪かったな、先生。
Catherine: Sorry to bother you, Professor. I know you're busy.
カトリーヌ: アンタは新しい大司教として、ここに留まるんだよな?
Catherine: You're going to be the new archbishop after all.
カトリーヌ: アンタはフォドラの王として、ここに留まるんだよな?
Catherine: You're going to be the new ruler of Fódlan, after all.
カトリーヌ: そんなアンタに相談がある。
Catherine: I'd just like a word. As you might imagine, I've been contemplating my future.
Choice 1: 騎士団を辞める? You're leaving the knights?
Choice 2: 修道院を出る? You're leaving the monastery?
カトリーヌ: ……どうしようか、考えてるんだよ。
Catherine: That's what I'm trying to figure out. I've always seen myself as a servant of Lady Rhea, not of the church.
カトリーヌ: だが、レア様が隠退を決められた今、この先どうすべきか悩んでてな。
カトリーヌ: だが、レア様を失った今、この先どうすべきか悩んでてな。
Catherine: Now that she's gone, I'm lost. I don't know what to do.
カトリーヌ: ま、昔の名前に戻してカロン家に戻るのもできなくはないけど……
Catherine: I suppose I could go back to Faerghus and take up the Charon name again... But that's not what I want. I'd rather not be tied down by my family name.
Byleth: 騎士を続ければいい Then carry on as a knight.
カトリーヌ: そりゃそうだけど……消去法でここに留まるのも、虚しい気がするじゃん。
Catherine: It wouldn't feel right, falling back on knighthood simply because it's what I know. It would be different if I had a reason to continue being a knight...
Byleth: 例えば? Such as?
カトリーヌ: 例えば、そうだな……。
Catherine: Well... If you told me you wanted me to remain a knight, that would be a good enough reason. Or if you said you wanted me to stay by your side forever. Or... if you said you wanted to get married. For example.
Byleth: なら結婚しよう Then marry me.
カトリーヌ: おいおい……本気にするぞ、先生?
Catherine: Wait... Are you being serious?
カトリーヌ: ……本気なのか?
Catherine: You are!
カトリーヌ: 泣く子も黙る“雷獄のカサンドラ”だぞ?絶対アンタを尻に敷くぞ?
Catherine: But I'm Thunder Catherine, whose very name frightens little children. Who knows what I might do to you! I'm no good at cooking or sewing or anything even remotely domestic. Why me?
Byleth: 好きだから Because I love you.
カトリーヌ: …………………。
Catherine: You love me... I... I'm glad. As for me, I love you too. Deeply. I never expected things to turn out this way... But now that they have, I'm certain I wish to remain a knight... and stay by your side. Will you accept?
カトリーヌ: 良かった! アタシには剣しかないから。これからもこの雷霆で、アンタに尽くすよ。
Catherine: Good! After all, swinging a sword has been the only life I've known. But from now on, the power of Thunderbrand is ours, not just mine. For now and forever, you can't escape me. I hope you're ready!